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For Customers
DRILL Training

DRILL Training

Training and professional development of employees are amongst key activities which increase the long-term competitiveness of any company, as well as its efficiency.

Training and development schemes must always be closely connected to the specific needs of any company; they also have to reflect the standards and possibilities of the training participants.

The most efficient performance of training schemes is achieved when they are interconnected with activities enabling detailed and individual identification of development needs, such as audit of training needs or Development Centres or, if need be, more complex consulting activities allowing for more thorough insight into the environment of given company and co-development of its strategies and procedures.

The format recommended to achieve the development needs and plans of individual employees is a cycle of competency trainings held as group activities designed to cover the key and repetitive development needs of these employees.

We recommend covering the individual development needs by the means of, for example, coaching, mentoring or other methods of individual training.

The DRILL training schemes are always developed on an individual basis, tailor made for a specific customer. Generally, they can be subdivided into following areas:

DRILL Management Skills

DRILL Skills for Working Effectively

DRILL Sales Skills

DRILL Special Skills

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