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For Candidates
Personal Data Protection

Protection of personal data

We consider the protection of your personal data to be one of our priorities, as it helps form a long-term relationship based on mutual trust. We fully respect your right for the protection of personal data you entrust us with and it is our obligation to inform you how we shall process your personal data and what your rights are.

Scope and purpose of processing the provided personal data

By providing us with your personal data in a scope of completed contact and other data in your professional résumé (hereinafter the personal data), you give DRILL B.S., spol. s r.o., based at Kaprova 42/14, 110 00 Prague 1, Id. Nr.: 211 91 522 (hereinafter the Data Controller or Company) your consent to process these personal data, meaning:

  • Storing it in the personal database and sharing it with other members of DRILL® Group (DRILL Management, QUICKSOURCE spol. s r. o. and Pro-Temp Plus spol. s r.o.),
  • Automated search in personal database, 
  • Providing it to clients for whom the Data Controller or another member of DRILL® Group searches suitable employees to fill required jobs. 

The sole process of processing your personal data is the mediation of an employment or of a similar labour-law relationship for your person
Your personal data will not be used for marketing purposes.
Only the consultants of members of DRILL® Groups will have access to your personal data stored in our personal database, for the purposes of searching suitable candidate for our clients.
At the moment when we identify a suitable employment corresponding with your profile, we shall contact you and provide your personal data to the particular client (your potential employer).
The security of our personal database and other technical measures to protect personal data are procured in compliance with the respective provisions of Regulation EU 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).

Time period for which your personal data will be processed

Your personal data will be processed or, in fact, stored in the personal database for the case of the future mediation of employment, up to the moment of your withdrawal of your consent with the processing of your personal data.

Withdrawal of Consent

Your Consent with the processing of provided data is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time.
After your withdrawal of Consent, your personal data will be deleted from our personal database without unnecessary delay.

Withdrawal of your Consent does not affect the processing of your personal data within the period of time for which this Consent was given.

Rights of the Data Subject

Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation, being the Data Subject, you have the right to:

  • Access your personal data and related information, amongst other things about the scope of stored data, the manner of their processing, their recipients etc. 
  • Rectification of your personal data – in the case of update of provided data, you always have the option to notify us of these changes and amendments, 
  • Erasure of your personal data – with the same impact as withdrawal of the Consent when the Administrator is obliged to delete your personal data without unnecessary delay, 
  • Object to personal data processing,
  • Restriction of personal data processing, 
  • Data portability – that is, for the personal data to be transferred directly from one administrator to another.

Also, you have the right to make a protest at the Office for Personal Data Protection, if you believe that your rights had been breached.

Application of rights

Pursuant to Art. 37 of the General Data Protection Regulation, there is a Data Protection Officer appointed within the DRILL® Group you can address at the e-mail poverenec@drillbs.com in all matters related to the processing of your personal data, especially in the matter of withdrawal of your Consent with the processing of personal data or any requests to exercise the other rights as listed above.

